Wednesday Willpower: Meal Planning for the Semester

My final semester of my undergraduate career is approaching.  I like to be as prepared as possible going in so I’m not scrambling.  I have been blessed to have great friends who have agreed to watch my kids for the day classes I am forced to take.  I can’t tell you how grateful I am for their kindness and generosity.  My heart is overflowing with gratitude.  I am not really sure how I will ever repay everyone, but I plan on hopefully giving back in little ways.

As part of my preparations I have generated a menu for the whole semester: part of January through most of May.  I have tried to include links or details for each of the recipes.  Enjoy!!

Click here to see an excel copy of my dinner menu for Spring 2013 semester.


P.S.  I know I haven’t been posting.  There’s just a lot going on right now with school, and homemaking and all that.  I will post every once in a while, but for now that’s the best I can do.  ❤

Sunday Solutions: Be Prepared

You never know when you’re going to need a plastic grocery bag.  On my mission, one of the senior sisters taught me how to fold up grocery bags so they are easier to manage.  I fold all my grocery bags now!  I tuck them into my purse, my diaper bag, in little garbage bins for replacements, and I have a stash in the car at all times!  You may think I’m a big dork, but I created a little video as instruction – even though there are a bunch of these already.  Oh well, this is me.  Enjoy.

If you prefer something more “professional” looking, click on this video: